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Free local shipping with purchases over HK$400!

【Mother's Day Gift Idea】Free shipping for one piece

Free local shipping with purchases over HK$400!

【Mother's Day Gift Idea】Free shipping for one piece

Free local shipping with purchases over HK$400!

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Are you still worried about Mother's Day gifts?

Free shipping on one item! What are you waiting for?

This year, we recommend the following practical hair care products to make your mom look beautiful!

Affordable Choice

Curly-haired moms' favorite! Rumor has it that moms everywhere love using curling irons?!

After using heat styling tools, it's important to take care of your hair. Using a curl styling cream can add dimension and structure to your hairstyle, helping your curls maintain their shape and longevity. It also gives your curls a healthier and more glossy appearance.

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Hair dye care

Deep Hair Repair Treatment

Mom dyes her hair every once in a while to cover the gray hair, which can cause damage to her hair strands. Why not treat her to the Ultimate Hair Repair Set?

White hair turns black, achieved!

No more need to cover up white hair once you start using it!

Notice white hair growing on your mom's head again? Gift her MAVROS to turn white hair black. It contains the patented ingredient Melanogen Black-K and a variety of natural plant extracts. It effectively slows down the natural loss of hair color.

Perfect for beauty-conscious moms!

Achieve both styling and hair care at the same time!

Let your mom showcase different hairstyles every day!

Our new Nourishing Styler is not only gentle on your hair, but also nourishes it while styling it. Our Keratin Boost is designed to effectively rebuild hair’s keratin level and provide intense nourishment and care for your hair – leaving your hair stronger, healthier and smoother than ever.